
Key Terminology: Bacterial Burden, Biofilm, Chronic Wounds, Sharp Wound Debridement Biofilm or

Bacterial Burden disrupts wound healing and may result in a chronic wound. Best care practices of wound care consist of debridement or removal of Biofilm and devitalized tissue from the wound bed. This has been shown in several studies, most notably in a study published in 1996 and also in 2013 demonstrating faster healing rates with debridement and a preferred frequency of debridement (weekly). Another study conducted in 2021 demonstrated the use of EZDebride as a viable option in confronting problematic “hard to heal” wounds. (1-3)


EZDebride is a simple-to-use, sharp debridement wound instrument that allows clinicians with little or no prior debriding experience to confidently and precisely debride wounds. EZDebride was developed to help the clinician safely and effectively debride almost any type of wound with one common goal: to effectively eliminate biofilm with little to no insult to the healthy tissue present and to prepare the wound for the staged use of multiple wound care products including topicals to advanced biological grafts. The importance of wound debridement, along with the use of EZDebride, was researched. Fluorescence imaging before and after debridement with the EZDebride and a PEG Pain assessment score before, during, and after were evaluated. (3) Indications for sharp debridement were also reviewed in a recent study published in 2022. (4)

Key Findings

a) Investigators reported that EZDebride was easy to use.

b) EZDebride effectively removed slough and necrotic material.

c) The investigators did not need to supplement debridement with other instrumentation.

d) Hemostasis was easily achieved with direct pressure.

e) Post debridement with EZDebride revealed a 25-75% reduction of bacterial fluorescence.

f) The use of EZDebride resulted in minimal discomfort and adverse events.

g) Subjects reported an average increase in pain with debridement of only 0.6 points.

h) EZDebride is a viable option for clinicians


EZDebride is an effective tool that allows for controlled depth sharp debridement with little to no harm to the surrounding healthy tissues. Sharp disposal is not necessary, and it is very low risk for finger stick hazards. Current usage and trials of this device have shown outstanding wound bed preparation for the use of biological skin grafts as well as immediate wound improvement. Compared with other conventional instrumentation, its use is advantageous, practical, and less challenging.


Steed DL, Donohoe D, Webster MW, Lindsley L: Diabetic Ulcer Study Group. Effect of extensive debridement and treatment on healing of diabetic foot ulcers. J Am Coll Surg 1996; 183(1):61-64

Wilcox JR, Carter MJ, Covington S. Frequency of debridements and time to heal: a retrospective study of 312,744 wounds. JAMA Dermatol 2013; 149(9): 1050-1058

Al-Jalodi O, Serena LM, Breisinger K, Patel K, Harrell K, Serena TE: A novel debridement device for the treatment of hard -to-heal wounds: a prospective trial.

JWC 2021; 30(5): S32-36

Manna B, Nahirniak P, Morrison CA: Wound debridement. NIH: National Library of Medicine. Sept 19, 2022. PMID: 29939659, Bookshelf ID: NBK507882